Wednesday, November 8, 2006

No-gi Randori

Went to purple belt class and a no-gi Randori today. Very fun.

The purple belt class was over arm drags, arm drags to takedowns, and then we went to the ground and did some armbar counters to some bad form knee-on-stomach defenses. Then we did up-down-and-out drills for the last half of class from side control.

I suck at side control...holding it and escaping it both. Need to work on that.

Good points from the purple belt class. Well, I decided to really work on tapping earlier and sticking to what I knew today...and really to focus on that. So I tapped a lot and didn't expend a ton of energy just holding onto shit I didn't have anything to do with...which is a real temptation. I worked on some technique improvement, because, I don't know if I've said this or not, but I suck at side control. Anyway, because of that, I managed to stay really fresh and never really get winded throughout the whole class. When randori started, I was like just getting warmed up and some of the guys who were really going 100% were much more tired than I. :)

As a result, I did pretty well. I busted my lip open on one of the guys I was rolling with's head. It was just a stupid confluence of movement...I was moving north and was moving south and bam. Oops. Oh well, no big deal. I lost a lot, as is to be expected, but I got in a few good shots: I almost got a blue belt in an electric chair (at least, I think I did.) I got one of the biggest guys in the place (I think he's a blue belt who is competing this weekend) in three separate subs (an armbar, followed by an omoplata that I just found myself in and went for it, followed by just a -sweet- textbook kimora). A super nice (though enormous and scary-looking) purple belt helped me out in the last round by a. not breaking me in half, and b. by actually showing me some refinements instead.

Overall, a great class. My only injury was a busted lip. One thing I learned was that since I messed up my back last week getting stacked, I no longer forget to try and shoulder walk out of that situation. I escaped a really hideous stack today and it just came very naturally. I think that paying close attention to 'not getting injured' is going to help me train more and get a lot better.

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